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Additives to optimize production in pig farming


The most consumed meat in the world

Pigs have a short production cycle and a good zootechnical efficiency, reason for this production to develop so fast, just as poultry. The 3 main regions of pork production correspond to the 3 main consumption basins: North America, Europe and Asia. In 2017, the world pork population represented 967 million of individuals including 186 million in Europe.

The world consumption of pig meat reached 115 million T carcass weight equivalent in 2018. In the 27 countries European Union, this figure reaches 25 million T carcass weight equivalent and is led by Germany. Worldwide, China, the European Union and USA consume 80% of the pork production. According to surveys, China will represent close to half of the world demand in 2020 (52 million T).

The major challenges of pig production and feed supplements

Faced with the development of antibioresistance worldwide and in an attempt to meet consumers concerns, restrictions for the curative-use antibiotics are getting more and more precise. In this global context of reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock farming, plant-based active ingredients have legitimately their place in pig diets. In addition, the farm global reasoning includes the management of microbial pressure and animals stress.

Nor-Feed pigs’ feed supplements, can be included in these managements:

Sources :

  • FAO
  • Planetoscope.com
  • Pleinchamp.com
  • Bonnes pratiques en matière de biosécurité dans le secteur porcin, Étude FAO, 2011